Episode 5-Fluency

Fluency: The ability to read text with appropriate speed, accuracy, and expression

  • Speed: Reading not too fast, not too slow

  • Accuracy: Words correct per minute

  • Expression: Pausing/stopping at punctuation, changing tone for different characters

●    Once students reach base grade level speed, faster is NOT better (Click HERE to access speed level chart)

●    What seems like comprehension issues are often fluency issues

●    Practice Speed

  • It will naturally get better with decoding and vocabulary practice

  • Give students text they can read with 90-95% accuracy

  • Time for 2 minutes and calculate words correct per minute (WCPM)

  • Give feedback on word recognition errors

  • Have child read text 3-4 times over next few days

    • To peer

    • To another adult

    • To self (recording or phonics phone)

  • Time and calculate WCPM again

  • 10% or more gain-new passage @same level

  • After two times of gain, move to a more complex text

  • Not 10%-preview more vocab or select easier passage if necessary

  • CHILD should be tracking results-creates ownership

  • Practice Accuracy: highlight words students misread or skip

    • Determine which skill has a deficit

    • Explicitly teach

    • Go back to text and time for WCPM

  • Practice Expression/Prosody

    • Using Emotions with groups of letters, words, and groups of words

      • A! BC, DEF?

      • Reread the same passage with different expressions

        • Robot

        • Someone extremely happy/sad

        • With an accent

        • HAVE FUN!  


Episode 6-Comprehension


Episode 4-Vocabulary